Friday, April 16, 2010


This picture makes me happy! This is a Supertunia Bordeaux.

Hanging baskets are growing bigger. The Blue Velvet is the only flower in bloom now on the baskets, but the other colors are close behind!

Million Bells

Sweet Potato Vine

Purple petunias are starting to open.

This above is my project I am working on. I was trying to think of a way to display my hanging baskets. I still need to attach three more pieces of pipe in the opposite in a x shape. Then I need to dig the deep hole. Should get pictures of me doing that....hopefully I'll have a smile on my face :)

Doesn't look like we will get the additional greenhouse built in time to sell out of this year. But that is the plan for next year. So this year, I will be selling in front of the office again.

I definitely have a big case of flower fever...can't wait to make up the planters at my house. Trying to wait patiently though.

Anyway, just wanted to show more pictures of how things are progressing.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE to see your enthusiasm for flowers and gardening in general Erin. Your plants in the greenhouse look great. . . . .happy and healthy from all the attention they receive from you!!!!
