Red Chrysanthemums! Showing color!
The reds are ready for purchase anytime. Soon to be ready will be other colors - white, orange, purple, and yellow.
Chrysanthemums are perennials and will come back for multiple years if it's a normal winter. If you plant them in a good place, next year they will grow to be huge. My aunt has some that are 2 ft across and when she planted them the year before they were the size above!
I love the cute button-like flowers.
Come to our farm to pick one up if you're interested! They will be 5.99 apiece.
Things around here are slowing down. Well actually, our u-pick apples are just starting up. Galas are ready now, and Jonagolds are next. We sell them for $8 for a 5 gallon's around 40 cents a pound I think. Nice apples. Lots more varieties coming.
Other than that though, our blueberries are done for the season. We just picked the last picking yesterday with a machine (first time for us!). Those blueberries will be made into dried blueberries and sold at stores like Costco.
We still have a few fields of corn to harvest but that is in about 3 weeks.
It's crazy to be so busy and now it's pretty low key around here. Now is when a person really has to muster up their motivation!
I am also working on figuring out what I will grow next year for the flower business. It has been so overwhelming so far because there is so many companies to possibly order from and so many flowers I like :) Will tried to get that all narrowed down hopefully in the next few weeks.
Happy almost Fall!
What a GREAT farm you have!
ReplyDeleteI see in one of your mum photos the box reads "Yoders", I've searched Google & couldn't find any website that sells mum cuttings, any chance you could post a link to the place that you bought your cuttings?
Keep up the great blog post, I've been reading all of them, & hope to startup something similar on my families 75 acre farm here in South Carolina.
I really like mums, & realize I'm late to start this season, just want to get a jump on next season. :)
Glad you are enjoying the blog! I guess Yoder Bros sold out their mums to Syngenta Flowers. And Yoder Bros changed their name to Aris Horticulture. So I ordered the mums through Yoder Bros but they get them from Syngenta Flowers now. Kinda confusing.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the websites that I used when I was ordering the mums, the sites are different now. So I would recommend going to and calling their customer service number or I also have an old Yoder Bros customer service number that may work. 800-321-9573. I do remember talking to one of the Yoder people and they said with Syngenta taking the mums over, you'll have to order a lot earlier than normal. So I would check it out soon because you may have to even order this fall for next year.
Anyway sorry for the long post. Thanks again for reading the blog!