Thursday, July 9, 2009

The chrysanthemum project in full swing.

The mum cuttings arrived. Thought it was interesting how they were packed. There are 50 rooted cuttings in each of the plastic bags.

Here are all the variety tags.

Mum rooted cutting.

Right after the cuttings were potted up....waiting to get watered and fertilized in. Mums need lots of fertilizer. They are very heavy feeders. Have to fertilize every watering with water soluble fertilizer.

Getting laid out all nice.

So all the pots are planted and sitting pretty out there waiting to grow. The next morning though I find a whole bunch of the baby plants pulled out entirely, and some had all the leaves eaten off. So frustrating. So I put up a small fence not sure what type of animal it was. The next morning I come out again and more pots are ruined. So on the 4th of July James and I are out there putting a net over the top. We discovered that it was birds that were causing the damage. Did I mention that I hate birds!? Losing 50 pots out of 300 was hard to take. So the net has helped a lot but a bird or two seems to still find their way in sometimes. Plus it's hard to get to the pots now with a short net over the top....will have to raise it later.

Cutting with the leaves eaten off.

Here is the whole section that I lost.

Always seems like I learn something every day around here....always experimenting. Lots of trial and error.
Will keep you posted!

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