The Purple Wave above was the first of the Wave petunias to bloom.
Salvia Marble Arch Mix above. Just starting to show a little color.
This Rose Wave Petunia is the stubborn bloomer of the group :) They are just slower than the others it seems but will make up for it in beauty later! This the stage the Rose are at now. Almost there!
I haven't really talked about anything technical lately about what I'm doing to take care of the flowers. Basically I am just fertilizing with 20-10-20 every watering. It's important to keep fertilizing consistently because if not the older leaves can turn yellow. There is not enough food for all the leaves so the new leaves steal it from the old leaves, causing the old leaves to yellow. I had this start to happen some because when it was really hot, I was just coming in and fertilizing with clear water just to make sure nothing would get too dry. Now I know to make sure to always be feeding fertilizing constantly. Although every fourth watering you can water with clear water to make sure there is not too much salt build up in the soil.
Anyway, enough technical!
Next Monday is opening day! I am looking forward to it.
I look forward to feedback about the plants. What people really liked, what people didn't like as much. What people would like to see next year new that they want me to grow. I am open to comments!
Until next time....