So we decided this last weekend that we would try to sell our flowers along 99E. Our farm has a field just north of Brooks so we figured we would park it there.
So we loaded up our trailer with flowers.
James said he was getting fried like a turkey. I think this was about the 5th application of sunscreen for him in one day :)
Enjoying myself! :)
We had a very successful weekend! It was so nice to see everyone coming and enjoying our flowers and taking some home! We sold quite a bit. It is almost sad to see the greenhouse practically empty but very calming too :)
For those who are still interested in flowers, we do still have red petunias, pink petunias with a white center, Verbena Serenity Mix, Pink Echinacea and 2 kinds of Salvia--Marble Arch Mix (pinks and whites) and the dwarf Vista red. Plus many kinds of herbs left-thyme, spearmint, little leaf basil, parsley and chives.
If you want to see pictures of these, go back to older posts and there is a list of them with their pictures alongside. We also still have some planters available.
James and I are pretty ridiculous because we were sitting on the couch last night already looking at the seed catalogs for next year :) He has been reading the Ball Redbook too that is a big thick detailed book on how to grow flowers.
We are also thinking of growing pot chrysanthemums for sale this fall. That is a work in progress though. We are in the research stage right now.
Thanks to you all that have been reading the blog all season! It was definitely a fun journey this year.
And of course, we still want to hear suggestions of what you want to see us grow next year!
May take a break in posting for awhile. But if we decide to grow mums, I'll be back :)
Thank you all!